Initial Visit

At River Glen Dental, our aim is that you have the best experience possible! Initially, you will fill out a new patient Registration Form that is available here on our website. When in the office one of our Patient Coordinators will introduce you to our office and team. Your new patient exam with our hygienist and Dr. Sardana will involve collecting and documenting your present oral condition including an oral cancer screen, TMJ evaluation, gingival/periodontal (gum/bone) evaluation, cavity check, occlusion (bite) etc. Our hygienist and Dr. Sardana will take the time to get to know more about you and your dental needs and wants. New patient appointments and visits after more than a couple of years usually require a full mouth series of X-rays. If taken recently, we can request your previous dentist to transfer them to us.

A cursory treatment plan is discussed and then Dr. Sardana will invite you back for a treatment consult to discuss your dental treatment goals, any obstacles to treatment (time, money, fear, no sense of urgency) and create a customized treatment plan for you. Your dental hygiene treatment may also be scheduled on the same day with the hygienist.